Monday, August 24, 2009


Stormie got some new boots for her birthday and she has wanted to wear them every day since. She loves them!
 They both had on same boots!
 Seth was looking for his frog and then he realized Stormie had it.
  Seth and Pistol. Our little puppy got ran over yesterday. It broke my heart! He was so sweet and so pretty!
Stormie helping her daddy. We built a round pin this weekend and she was outside following her daddy every step. 
Seth and Stormie in the dog box on back of Rhino. They had so much fun!
Seth doing push ups with Stormie on his back. 
Seth doing the "Stormie Face" ! 
 Stormie in her big girl bed. She has been sleeping in there about a week but only part of the night. She will wake up and come get in the bed with us. But its a start. She has slept in the bed with us since she was in the hospital.

1 comment:

Jessica S. said...

Aww, I'm sorry to hear about Pistol. How did the kids take it?

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