Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tagged List of 8

You've been tagged! So here is what you do. Make 3 lists of 8. First list 8 things you look forward to. Then list 8 things you did yesterday Then list 8 Programs you watch on TV. Then go tag 8 people to do the same.

List of 8
8 things I look forward to:
1. Building a new house
2. When Stormie and Seth wake up in the morning it is so sweet.
3. Kisses from Manche when he gets home from work.
4. Stormie giving sugar.
5. Watching Seth play ball
6. Watching Seth and Stormie play together
7. swimming in the pool this summer
8. Going riding horses with Manche again

8 thing I did yesterday
1. Waiting on the power to come back on
2. was very hot!
3. Went with my grandparents to my great grandparents grave and put new flowers on it.
4. got food with them
5. Got so excited when I got back and had lights!!!
6. Started cleaning like crazy
7. Got Seth to do homework.
8. Bathed Peanut and brought him inside.

8 Programs I watch on tv :
1. The Hills
2. Dr. Phil
3. Oprah
4. Real world road rules challenge
5. Rachael Ray
6. Jon and Kate Plus 8
7. Little People Big World
8. 18 kids and counting

I am tagging : Shonda


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